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IOCL Recruitment 2017 Apply Online (22 Vacancies Opening)

Penulis : JobsacrossIndia on Tuesday, 20 December 2016 | 23:43

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) invites online applications from bright, energetic and result oriented candidates of Indian Nationality for recruitment position of Junior Engineering Assistant (Chemical & Mechanical) and Officer in Fuel Cell Area. The last date for submission of applications is extended up to 29th December 2016.

Advt. No R&D/94 - For Officer/ Non-Officers

(A) Recruitment of Non-Officers:

Post Code

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies


Junior Engineering Assistant (Chemical)



Junior Engineering Assistant (Mechanical)


(B) Recruitment of Officer in Fuel Cell Area:

Post Code

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies


Deputy Manager Research (Gr. C)  /  Senior Research Officer (Gr. B)


Age Limit: For Officer Posts - 18 to 26 Years; For Non-Officer (Grade C) - 39 Years; For Non-Officer (Grade B) - 35 Years  (as on 31st October 2016)

Educational Qualifications: [from a recognized University / Institute]

Junior Engineering Assistant (Chemical) -> Minimum 3 years Full-time, Regular/ Sandwich Diploma in Chemical Engineering with minimum 50 percent marks in aggregate for General, OBC, PWD & ST candidates and 45 percent marks in aggregate in case of SC candidates against reserved positions.

Junior Engineering Assistant (Mechanical) -> Minimum 3 years Full-time, Regular/ Sandwich Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with minimum 50 percent marks in aggregate for General, OBC, PWD, SC & ST candidates.

Officer in Fuel Cell Area -> Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering With minimum 65% marks in graduation as well as in Post-graduation. Experience -Minimum 6 years of experience after M.Tech for Grade C preferably in the area of Hydrogen / Fuel Cell. Minimum 3 years of experience after M.Tech for Grade B preferably in the area of Hydrogen / Fuel Cell.

Application Fee: A non- refundable fee of ₹ 100/- Only for General and OBC category candidates. The fee is to be submitted on-line though SBI E-Collect using either SBI Debit Card or through Net-Banking or at the SBI Branch after selecting "Pay at Branch option".

Selection Process:

(1) For Non-Officers –>  Written Test and Trade Test cum Professional Interaction

(2) For Officers –> Written test or preliminary personal Interview

How to Apply:

(1) For Non-Officers –> The online application shall be available on "Indian Oil for Careers" Page. The closing date for online registration is 16/12/2016 (extended up to 29/12/2016) up to 23.59 hrs.

(2) For Officers –> Eligible candidates should submit typed/computer printed applications strictly in the prescribed format (attached) to Indian Oil Corporation Limited, R&D Centre, Post Box No. 720, Escorts Nagar Post Office, Faridabad-121007. Please write the post applied for on the top left-hand corner of the envelope. The envelope with documents must reach the above Post Box latest by 16/12/2016 (extended up to 29/12/2016

IndianOil Addendum 2016-2017

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Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) (Assam Oil Division) invites applications from Indian Nationals for recruitment of Non-Executive posts. The last date for receipt of applications is 10th January 2017.

Advertisement No. DR/R3/2016

Name of the Post


No of Vacancies

Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Production)



Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Electrical)



Junior Quality Control Analyst-IV

Quality Control


Age Limit: Maximum 26 years as on 01/10/2016 (Relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates for the posts reserved for them). Age Relaxation for PWD candidates as per Govt. Rules.

Educational Qualification and Post Qualification Experience:

Jr. Engineering Assistant - IV (Production) ->

(1) 03 Years full time regular/Sandwich Diploma in Chemical/ Refinery & Petrochemical Engg. or B.Sc (Math, Physics, Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry) from a Govt. recognized Indian university/Institute.
(2) Prescribed Post-Qualification Experience: Minimum one year of post-qualification experience in operation (rotating shift) of Pump House, Fired Heater, Compressor, Distillation Column, Reactor, Heat exchanger etc. in a Petroleum Refinery/ Petrochemicals / Fertilizer/ Heavy Chemical/ Gas Processing Industry.

Jr. Engineering Assistant - IV (Electrical) ->

(1) 03 Years full time regular/ Sandwich Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a Govt. recognized Indian university/ Institute.
(2) Minimum one year post-qualification experience in Operation/ Maintenance of power generators/ distribution Substations (LT&HT at 0.4KV & 6.6 KV Level or above respectively)/ Maintenance of HT/LT Switch gears (PCC/MCC)/ Transformers / Motors /
ACBs/ VCBs/ UPS/Battery chargers/ Variable speed drives/ protective relays, including electromagnetic/ static/ numerical relays in Petroleum Refinery/ Petro - Chemicals/ Heavy Chemicals/ Fertilizers/ power plants/ Large Industrial establishments.

Jr. Quality Control Analyst - IV ->

(1) 03 Years full time B.Sc. with Physics, Chemistry & Maths or M.Sc. (Chemistry -Regular Course) from a recognized Institute /University (The cut off marks for M.Sc (Chemistry) candidates shall be minimum of 45% marks in aggregate for General & OBC candidates and 40% in case of SC/ST & PWD candidates against reserved positions.)
(2) Minimum one year of post qualification experience in handling state of the art instruments viz. HPLC, XRF, WDXRF, GC, ICAP, AAS, Auto analyzers, Flash points, etc. in a Petroleum Refinery/Petrochemical /Heavy Chemical/ Gas processing Industry/ Fertilizers/ Power Plants/ Large Industrial Establishments.

Selection Process: Written Test (03 Hours duration), Skill Test / Proficiency Test / Physical Test, the later being of 'qualifying nature' only. Every candidate will have to secure a minimum of 40% marks in the written test for General & OBC candidates, relaxable by 5% for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD candidates against reserved positions.

Application Fee: The candidates belonging to General and OBC category should enclose a crossed Demand Draft (DD) of ₹ 100/- as application fee (non-refundable) in favour of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. payable at State Bank of India, Digboi Branch. (IFSC Code: SBIN0006000) along with the application. Candidates must write their full name and address on the back side of the Demand Draft.

How to Apply: Typed applications as per the prescribed format, along with the Demand Draft (DD), supported by self attested photocopies of all relevant documents (qualification/ experience/ age/ caste/ category etc.) should be sent by Post only to Chief Human Resource Manager, Indian Oil Corporation Limited (AOD), DIGBOI - 786171 so as to reach on or before 10/01/2017.

Candidates should super scribe the Advt. No. and Name of the post applied for on the top of the envelope. In case of any query, please contact our recruitment section on 03751 -263133/03751 -263131.

Details and Application Format >>

IndianOil (IOCL), Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex invites applications from its passed-out Ex-Apprentices who have successfully completed their Apprenticeship training and who meet the qualification, experience and age criteria on or before 31.10.2016 to apply for selection process for consideration towards employment against regular vacancies in Grade-IV for the following posts. The last date for receiving applications is 5th December 2016.

Advertisement No. PR/P/37(2016-17)

Post Code

Name of the Post

Total Vacancies


Jr. Engineering Assistant - IV (Production)



Jr. Engineering Assistant - IV (Power & Utilities -Operations & Maintenance)



Jr. Engineering Assistant - IV (Mechanical-Fitter-cum-Rigger)



Jr. Quality Control Analyst - IV


Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and Maximum 26 years as on 31st October 2016. Relaxation in age by five years for SC candidates and three years for OBC candidates.

Selection Process: Written Test and Skill/ Proficiency/ Physical Test (Qualifying nature).

Application Fee: A Non-refundable fee of ₹ 100/- for General and OBC Candidates. The fee in the form of crossed Demand Draft (DD) in favour of INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LTD., payable at SBI Baholi, Panipat (Brach Code-8706).

How to Apply: Eligible ex-apprentices are required to submit neatly typed Application-cum-Bio-data Form in prescribed attached format only. The duly filled Application-cu -Biodata For along with relevant documents should reach to the office of the Chief Human Resources Manager, HR Department, Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex, Panipat, Haryana-132140 on or before 05/12/2016 through Registered Post only.

Important Dates:

Last date of receiving of Application -> 5th December 2016
Tentative date for Written Test -> 18th December 2016
Tentative date for Skill/ Proficiency/ Physical Test -> 19th & 20th December 2016.

Help Desk: For any clarification, the candidate may contact on Phone No. 0180-2522043/ 0180-2522048 on all working days (Monday-Friday).

Details and Application Format >>

IndianOil Research and Development offers excellent opportunities for individual growth and contribution based on performance and potential. The last date for receipt of applications is 16th December 2016.

Name of Post

No of Vacancies

Junior Engineering Assistant (Chemical)


Junior Engineering Assistant (Mechanical)


Deputy Manager Research / Senior Research Officer (Mechanical)


The Online registration start from 15/11/2016 and close on 16/12/2016 up to 23:59 Hours.

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