NCERT Recruitment Advertisement for 347 Non-academic posts 2023 @ National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi invites Online applications for filling up 347 Non-academic posts under direct recruitment, through open competitive examination. The NCERT Recruitment 2023 online registration will be start from 29th April 2023 to 6th May 2023.
NCERT Recruitment 2023 of 347 Non Academic Posts
Name of Post |
No of Vacancy |
Level 10-12 |
33 |
Level 6-8 |
99 |
Level 2-5 |
215 |
NCERT Recruitment Job Locations:
✔️ NCERT Headquarters.
✔️ National Institute of Education and Central Institute of Educational Technology at New Delhi.
✔️ Pandi Sunderlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education at Bhopal.
✔️ The Regional Institutes of Education at Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Mysuru and Shillong.
✔️ The Regional Production and Distribution Centres at Ahmedabad. Bengaluru, Guwahati and Kolkata.
How to Apply NCERT Recruitment:
➢ Eligible candidates can apply online only through NCERT Official Website ( from 29th April 2023
➢ The candidates should enter all basic details and upload all required documents (Photograph, Signature, Photograph and Documents) etc.
➢ The last date for registration of online applications is 06/05/2023.
NCERT Recruitment 2020 jobs alert for both fresher and experienced graduates to Matric passed Indian Citizens. Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), Programme and Research Division, NCERT invites applications from eligible candidates for appointment of various Project posts on purely contractual basis under the project NISHTHA. The last date for submission of applications is 26th October 2020.
Name of Post |
No of Posts |
Project Manager |
01 |
Technical Consultant |
08 |
Academic Consultant |
08 |
System Analyst |
02 |
Web Designer |
02 |
Graphic Designer |
02 |
Data Analyst |
02 |
Junior Project Fellow |
03 |
Digital Media Coordinator |
02 |
Office Assistant |
01 |
Accountant |
01 |
01 |
✅ Age Limit: 45 / 40 / 35 / 30 years
✅ Remuneration:
✔️ Project Manager / Technical Consultant / Academic Consultant: ₹ 45000/- per month
✔️ System Analyst / Web Designer: ₹ 35000/- per month
✔️ Graphic Designer / Data Analyst: ₹ 30000/- per month
✔️ Junior Project Fellow: ₹ 25000/- per month
✔️ Digital Media Coordinator: ₹ 30000/- per month
✔️ Office Assistant: ₹ 25000/- per month
✔️ Accountant: ₹ 30000/- per month
✔️ MTS: ₹ 18000/- per month
✅ Educational Qualifications:
✔️ Project Manager: Full time Masters/ MPhil/ PhD in any discipline preferably Management. 5 - 8 years overall experience.
✔️ Technical Consultant: Full time BE/ BTech/ M.Sc. in Computer Science/ Information Technology/ MCA. Minimum 3 - 5 years experience.
✔️ Academic Consultant: Masters’ Degree/ M.Phil/ Ph.D in English/ Hindi/ Mathematics / Social Science / Sciences/ Education. Preferably NET/ SLET qualified. Minimum 2 - 3 years experience.
✔️ System Analyst: Full time BE/BTech/M.Sc. in Computer Science/ Information Technology/ MCA. At least 3 - 5 years experience.
✔️ Web Designer: Bachelor/ Master in Computer technology/ Web design. At least 02 years experience.
✔️ Graphic Designer: Bachelor/ Master in Computer Graphic design or related course. Proficiency in graphic design software including Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw and other visual design tools. Atleast 02 years experience.
✔️ Data Analyst: Bachelor/ Master Degree in Statistics. At least 02 years work experience.
✔️ Junior Project Fellow: Masters’ Degree in English/ Social Science / Sciences/ Education along with B.Ed/ M.Ed. Preferably NET/ SLET Qualified. At least 02 years experience.
✔️ Digital Media Coordinator: Master degree in any discipline/ Course in digital marketing/ or social media. At least 02 years work experience.
✔️ Office Assistant: Bachelor degree in any discipline. Minimum 02 years experience.
✔️ Accountant: Graduate in Commerce/ Mathematics. At least 02 years experience.
✔️ MTS: 10th / Matric / 12th class Pass. Minimum 02 years experience.
✅ Selection Process: Interviews. The Interview scheduled to be held on 26th, 27th & 29th October 2020.
Candidates should reach for interview along with their Bio-data on the dates mentioned against the post. Separate applications are to be submitted for each post applied. Candidates will come for the interview on the fixed date and report latest by 9.30 a.m. to the Section Officer (SO), Planning & Research Division (P&RD) Room No.242, CIET 2nd floor, Chacha Nehru Bhawan, CIET, NCERT, New Delhi-110 016 with copies of original certificates and testimonials.
The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi invites online applications for recruitment of following 266 academic faculty and librarian positions (Group ’A’) under direct recruitment through interview, for its constituent units all over India. The last date for registration of online applications is 3rd August 2020.
Advertisement No. 171/2020
Name of Post |
Total Vacancies |
Professor |
38 |
Associate Professor |
83 |
Assistant Professor |
142 |
Librarian |
01 |
Assistant Librarian |
02 |
✅ Age Limit: 18 to 35 years.
✅ Pay Scale:
✔️ Professor: Academic Level 14 with rationalized entry pay of ₹ 1,44,200/- (Pre-revised scale of pay ₹ 37, 400 - 67,000 with AGP ₹ 10,000)
✔️ Associate Professor: Academic level 13A with rationalized entry pay of ₹ 1,31,400/- (Pre-revised scale of pay: ₹ 37, 400-67,000 with AGP ₹ 9,000)
✔️ Assistant Professor: Academic level 10 with rationalized entry pay of ₹ 57,700/- (Pre-revised scale of pay: ₹ 15,600-39,100 with AGP ₹ 6,000)
✔️ Librarian: ₹ Academic level 14 with rationalized entry pay of ₹ 1,44,200/- (Pre-revised scale of pay: ₹ 37,400-67,000 with AGP ₹ 10,000)
✔️ Assistant Librarian: Academic level 10 with rationalized entry pay of ₹ 57,700/- (Pre-revised scale of pay: ₹ 15, 600-39,100 with AGP ₹ 6,000)
✅ Vacancy Subjects: Psychology, Education, Statistics, Child Development, Physics, Mathematics, Zoology, Chemistry, Botany, Statistics, Sociology, History, Commerce, Political Science, Economics, Geography, Physical Education, Population Studies, Hindi, Urdu, English, Sanskrit, Kannada, Odiya, Art Education, Arts, Language Education, Computer Science / Software Development, Entrepreneur Ship Management, Home Science, Bioscience/ Bio-Technology/ Health Science/ Pharmacy, Agriculture, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronics / Electrical / IT, Business Management, Banking / Finance, Hospitality Travel and Tourism, Security/ Defence Science/Military Science, Food Technology and processing.
✅ Educational Qualification and Experience:
(1) Post Graduate / M.Sc. / M.A. / M.Ed. / Master's Degree in relevant subjects with 55% Marks.
(2) Post Doctoral Degree Ph.D. in relevant subjects / disciplines.
(3) NET Qualification required for Assistant Professor posts.
(4) Qualification and Experience as per the UGC/NCERT,Govt. of India.
✅ Selection Process: Interview.
✅ Application Fee:
✔️ ₹ 1000/- for UR (Male) / OBC (Male) / EWS (Male) candidates.
✔️ No application fee for SC / ST / PWD / Women candidates.
✔️ The fee are required to pay through online payment mode.
✅ How to Apply: Eligible and Interested candidates are required to apply online only through Online Recruitment Portal. The last date for registration of online applications is 03/08/2020 up to 5:00 PM. The candidates must have a valid email id and mobile number through which he/she will get registered with the online application portal.
✅ Help Desk: For any query contact phone number 011-26592153/207 and 01126592187 (OR) Email to
✅ About NCERT:
The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), an apex organization for Educational Research, Teacher Training and Development of Curriculum and Instructional material in school education.
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